Wolfe Computer Operator Aptitude Test
To evaluate the aptitude of computer operators of all experience levels.
General Description
The WCOAT test is a generalized aptitude test designed to measure the essential traits required for the computer operator position. In particular, this 1-hour test evaluates the ability of the individual to precisely follow all instructions and rules (syntax).
Positions for which the test is appropriate
The WCOAT test can be used to assess both entry-level and experienced applicants. It will effectively evaluate your current employees and identify promotability and skill levels.
Job criteria measured
Simple Logic
Attention to Detail
Ability to Spot Errors
Ability to Follow Instructions
Ability to Take Corrective Action
Test administration
The test requires only clerical supervision to administer. Once begun, it is self-instructive for candidates, requiring 60 minutes to complete.
Walden Personnel Testing & Consulting Inc., 100-4115 Sherbrooke W., Montreal, PQ H3Z 1K9. Tel: 800-361-4908; Fax: 514-989-9934.