Hotel Realm

July 22 - 23, 2014 - Canberra AU

Criterion Conferences

Be better prepared for current and future change and organisational renewal. Change is a given in the public sector. But, it’s fair to say that, these are times of significant change and upheaval. In such times, organisations inevitably turn to HR teams to lead, manage and clean up after the change. This conference is HR’s guide to doing this well. Presentations will come from the heads of HR at those organisations (public and private) that have been there, done that and got the T-shirt! Organisations like NASA, Qantas and Australia Post. Presentations will be overlaid with a focus on how change can be managed in the context of contacting budgets. It will cover: Implementing structural change Driving culture change Building a flexible/adaptable workforce plan for a changing environment Keeping employees engaged with limited budgets and sustaining that engagement Keeping talent with limited opportunities for pay rise and promotion Performance management when it’s most critical Reviewing and renewing post-change

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